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I Used to Bleed Beautiful Colors

19 Mar

I used to bleed beautiful colors;

colors that  bled a beautiful red and healed a beautiful bronze scab,

eventually leaving a beige trace of a wound.

I used to bleed the most beautiful words;

wonderful soliloquies, sonets, sounds.

It’s strange because I bled beautiful colors;

beautiful blurs, beautiful bruises, beautiful blood.

I used to bleed beautiful thoughts;

images of beautiful people, places, thoughts.

I used to bleed beautiful blood;

full of living, laughing, loving.

I used to bleed the most beautiful blood;

Free of toxic waste, tainted thoughts, trickles of immortality.

I used to bleed the most beautiful opportunities;

endless horizons.

I now bleed black blood;

blistered hands, dripping wounds, bloodshot eyes.

I now bleed black blood;

cloudy thoughts, panicked sounds,

ugly images of myself flashing in the mirror.

I now bleed black blood

that pumps through my heart like a plague.

Ring around the rosey,

my sanity fell out in a patch of poseys.

I used to bleed beautiful blood.

Beautiful blood turned bleak blood,

turned black blood.

Maisy's Mom

Dirty Diapers, Crafts and Soul Searching (But mostly diapers)

Just a dreaming teenage wallflower

If your dreams don't scare you, they aren't big enough